Splashing in the lake over the 4th of July, in my Summersalt swimsuit. The brand is a new favorite; their suits are eco-friendly, designer quality, and everything is under $95!
Oh wow. As I’m sitting down to write this, I’m realizing it’s been ages since I’ve done one of these round ups. (The last one was in May. Eek!)
Round up posts are fun, but they also do require lots of in-the-moment photography, and constant bookmarking of sites you visit on the fly.Turns out, getting ahead of them with all that’s in the mix has been challenging. Who knew?! (Er…probably ever blogger out there. *Insert palm to face*)
So, new rule: I’m going to be doing a “Things That Have Charmed Me Lately” post at the end of every month instead of every few weeks. I’m hoping this will be a lot more manageable. Plus, I like the route of them serving as a “best of” from the month prior, and a “what’s coming up” for the month ahead. What do you think? Sound good? Aye aye!
Things That Have Charmed Me Lately: v.6
Here are July’s charms, complete with great finds from across the web and a few personal updates!
Playing captain on The Odyssey.
My girlfriends and I went on a brunch cruise over this past weekend and were loving the beautiful skyline views.
But first, let me take a selfie. This photo was snapped on the lake, enjoying a little free time to practice photography. We had a blast kicking off July with our family celebrating Josephine’s baptism and the 4th of July.
Bistro lights hanging from our family’s porch overlooking the lake. They automatically make summer nights a little more charming, don’t they?
Dougy and I, floating along, taking in the view. In case you were wondering – yes – there were definitely drinks in those inner tube cup holders! 
Josephine and her Godparents, Chris and Meredith.
She was baptized on the lake by her grandfather!
Before heading to Michigan for the 4th, Doug, Grace, Josephine and I had a sleepover at Dave and Liz’s new house in the suburbs. We’re so happy for them on their big move! I won’t lie, being in their yard while enjoying a quiet night with our friends made me want to move to the suburbs.Dougy, enjoying the sunset on Lake Michigan. He didn’t know I was taking this photo and I love it because it shows such a moment of content.
“Moooom! I’m not ready for my close up!” – Grace
At our friends Al and Becca’s wedding, which overlooked rows of vineyards in Western Michigan.
Gang’s all here!
Josephine turned 3 months on July 19! She’s starting to laugh a lot and is honestly the most smiley/happiest baby I’ve ever seen. I can’t get enough of her!
- This woman recreates celebrity Instagram photos. #5…I can’t even. 10 bucks says you laugh out loud to some of these!
- If I can relate to many of these already, does that mean I’m old?
- Toxic skincare ingredients to avoid. This was eye opening to read – thank you, Blair!
- Ever wonder what traits make up a successful team at work? This article spells it out.
- Marriage tips from a divorce lawyer.
- You know that famous Cult Gaia bag that everyone is wearing this summer? I found its twin on Etsy and it’s nearly half of the price. You’re welcome.
- Danielle shared 10 lessons learned after 10 years of self employment. So many honest and helpful tips!
- Spending money on a babysitter can be tough. So, this hubby has a solution…
- Go on, cheers your hubby. Here’s proof that getting drunk together is a good thing!
- Looking to travel to Europe? Read this first.
- Just got these blush heels & this pleated skirt and can’t wait to wear them!
In Case You Missed:
- An off the shoulder romper that you need in your closet now.
- Doug’s dad survival guide. (A must read – it was Doug’s first blog post and he nailed it!)
- A visual tour of the Bonneville Salt Flats.
- In Michigan and looking for something fun to do? Try blueberry picking!
- My thoughts on returning to work after maternity leave.
- Summer lovin’. Always.
- Let’s take a little stroll with Baby Jogger.
- The story of Grace’s first word.
- One of my favorite outfit posts to date, in the beautiful Zion National Park.
- What do you give for anniversary presents?
What has charmed you lately? I’d love to hear in the comments below! Here’s to August being filled with soaking in every last bit of summer.
Love the dress you wore to your friend’s wedding! Super pretty!
Style by Joules
I love Summer boat cruises and Summer weddings, such a fun round up!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Love this post – and that swimsuit!