I just realized this is V14 and it’s leading into the week of 2/14. FUN!
Probably just a coincidence, but…WHAT IF IT’S FATE? You were meant to read this. (Which link is your favorite?!) I was meant to write it. You and I, meant to be, right here in this little internet world. 😉
Cheese aside, how are you? I’ll be honest and tell you that I’m…okay. I’ve been having some really intense Braxton Hicks contractions this week, which I’m sure are a result of me going into overdrive with baby’s due date approaching so soon. I’ve been a nesting freak, can hardly sleep, and have needed to remind myself to slooooow down and enjoy the ride a few times. There’s just so much to do! So much to prep! (Actually, really, baby’s don’t need that much besides love, food, and a safe place to sleep…note to self there, too.) I think we can all be our own worst enemies sometimes, no?
This weekend we have a little baby “Sprinkle” for our little man, hosted by my cousin and aunt. (A “sprinkle” is a mini celebration, similar to a shower but not as big, usually done for a second or third baby!) We also have one of Joey’s friend’s birthday parties, and – SURPRISE! – I have a ton I want to do around the house. (I know…you’re shocked.) Be sure to follow along on Instagram, and in the meantime, let’s get to some good ol link love!

The Charming Roundup: V14
These are the trends Meghan Markle will be wearing in 2020.
Have you seen Everlane’s new raincoat line?
Helloooo, pleated long sleeve dress. I think I love you. (Also – great price!)
Being “Selfish” Makes Me A Better Mom. Absolutely loved this read. Particularly this excerpt – reading it was like soul food for me: “Ultimately, isn’t it a good thing for my daughters to have a mom who meets them with enthusiasm and excitement, who is truly eager to hear about their days because she, too, has spent a day that has felt stimulating and enlivening? Isn’t it good for my daughters to see that their mother is a woman who works hard and provides for her family while also pursuing a calling for which she feels a great passion? Isn’t it a positive thing for my young daughters to see that they have a mother who loves them fiercely while also loving her life’s work? Those parts of me didn’t simply go away when I became a mom.”
Contrastingly, I also thought this article on not working was powerful as well: A Stay At Home Mom’s Thought On Being “Just” A Mother.
WHOA this is huge! The FDA has released the first drug treatment for children with peanut allergies.
Maisonette just launched an in-house label, “Maison Me”, and it’s SO adorable.
Do people crave foods their mom eats while pregnant? Looks like baby boy will have a sweet tooth! 😉
If you’re a millennial and can’t make up your mind about whether or not to have kids, you’re not alone.
Doug’s cousin is getting married in Napa Valley in April, and we *may* be going, depending on how baby is doing! Here’s an article all about the “Perfect Three-Day Weekend In Napa Valley” – reading this made me so excited!
8 of the most glorious sites for glamping in Michigan.
I thought this story about a fugitive on the run was absolutely fascinating.
“I Quit.” What a thing to do! Here’s a roundup of really interesting stories that give insight into how and why these people said, “Bye, Bye.”
“The 6 Most Tom Hanks Things That Tom Hanks Has Ever Done.”
The best Google services you didn’t know you needed.
Instagram is now sharing what accounts you see most often, and those that it shows you the least often. I reviewed the accounts that it shows me less often. There were some that I gave love to because I want to see them more in my feed, but there were also ones where I realized are no longer relevant for me. I ended up unfollowing about 30 accounts, and honestly? It felt so refreshing. I highly recommend!
Would you ever do this home decor hack at home? In theory I like the idea but I think the exposed clothing would bother me!
I’m absolutely crushing on Mallory from Reserve Home’s Instagram account. (Where the feature image is from!) I bought this hanging basket after seeing it in her feed – isn’t it so cool?!
Guys. My Little Nomad Kitchen Mat came in and it’s MAGICAL. Even Doug loves it!
In Case You Missed
Third Baby Essentials: Our Wish List For Baby Boy – Sharing all that we kept from when Grace and Josephine were babies, and all that we have on our wishlist for baby #3!
5 Can’t Miss Things To Do In Burlington, VT – I’m still not over how much I loved visiting Burlington with my girlfriends last fall! It was so beautiful. Here’s 5 can’t-miss things we did and why I loved it so much.
Spring Fashion Trends I’m Looking Forward To Wearing – GIVE ME EVERYTHING ON THIS LIST!!! So many great finds.
AND I have a bonus post tomorrow — I’m sharing a roundup of some amazing Valentine’s Day gift ideas! Be sure to swing by and check in!