It’s always fun to reflect on where you’ve been, isn’t it?
The other day I noticed a lot of people sharing their #FirstSevenJobs on Facebook, which originated as a lighthearted post by Sheryl Sandberg. It got me thinking, what does my list look like?
Here’s the caveat to my list: Once I graduated into my teen years, my parents had a rule. If I wasn’t involved in a school sport or activity, I had to get a job. It was their way of promoting being involved and instilling work ethic, which in hindsight I can’t thank them enough for. So, that meant that particularly in the summertime when sports hadn’t picked up yet, I was working.
I worked throughout high school, and continued the trend into college so I could have spending money. As a result, my list is hysterically varied and plenty. Thinking back on those odd-ball jobs makes me laugh.
Ready for the list? Here we go.
- Babysitter – My first time was when I was twelve, and I was so excited to play with the little girl’s tea set with her that I accidentally dropped and broke it. I wasn’t invited back. Luckily I redeemed myself and got some consistent jobs throughout high school.
- Einstein Bagels – I smeared that cream cheese like a boss.
- Wave Pool Lifeguard – I had a crush on the head lifeguard, who never looked twice at me. Blame the nerves; I literally don’t think I talked to him once. Just stared. (Only slightly creepy, right?)
- Administrative Intern – My friend Kelsey’s dad gave us summer jobs doing administrative work for his company. We did all the odd-ball things no one else wanted to do, like inputting data into computer systems. Half the time we just joked around together and counted down the minutes until lunch. #Nerds
- School of Journalism Intern – Another nerd move, but I actually loved this job. I helped to read applications, sort schedules, and answered student phone calls.
- B-Tan Tanning Salon – The owner somehow thought it was a good idea to hire the palest person on the block. Despite my Dutch heritage, I was a nice shade of brown after a month or so. However this job was short lived – I walked out after a homeless man was so kind as to leave a large pool of liquid for me to clean after tanning. (Sweat? Something else? I will never know.)
- Daycare Worker – I was a helper in the 2’s and 3’s room. They called me “Miss Emmy” and it was the cutest thing on earth.
So, what’s on your list? When you have a moment, stop and think about your first seven jobs. I bet you’ll smile while writing them down, just like I did.
Outfit Details: Dress is from Anthropologie but is no longer in season. This is a similar find, and I adore this maxi option for a fall wedding! Shoes heels are J.Crew and the most comfortable pumps I own. (Seriously!)
1 comment
SO cute! Happy Friday, lady!