The world is big, vast and meant to be explored, but at the end of the day, what better feeling than to recharge in a place that feels like home? The most vibrant of flowers “Grow where you are planted”, and to build a happy nest means to create a space for your best self — your family’s best selves – to rise. And if that door you walk through is artfully painted turquoise or mint green? Go you, my friend, and just a reminder to snap it and put it on Instagram.
An Eco-Friendly Trick For Laundry Days
What’s Your Process For Spring Cleaning Your Closet?
Josephine Bloom’s Bohemian-Inspired Nursery Tour
Eat Life Up
What’s Your Ideal First Home?
Big Moves On The Horizon
5 Secrets To A Happy Home
Gracie’s Baby Animal Inspired Nursery
“Baby animals” was the clear theme winner of Gracie’s nursery from the beginning. How could you pass up the cute, cuddly little creatures? I, for one, could not. And judging from the fact that Gracie started saying “Rawr” and “Moo” on behalf of loving animals and their noises before she could say even a few words, it was a pretty good choice. Here’s a quick tour of her bright corner of our apartment!
The Surprising Reasons Why I Love My Record Player
Yes, I recognize that my recent addition files me under the “Stereotypical millennial” bucket, but I must say, I have no regrets. Far from it. Here’s why.