Dun-Da-Da-Daa! I’m excited to launch the new Isn’t That Charming, which is more than just a blog redesign. You’ll find changes from a brand new Shop, which I’ll continually update with the best picks across the web, to a more streamlined categories list, which I hope you find organized and easy to peruse. The logo has been updated to reflect a more streamlined brand, and across the board the navigation has been simplified.
Most importantly, with this relaunch comes a refocus. Renewed energy. A fresh take and a new perspective.
You may have noticed that things have been a bit quiet around here
lately this year. (Okay, “quiet” may be an understatement. I’ve essentially done as many posts in 2016 as I used to do in a month.) I don’t want to make excuses and don’t regret taking a break from things, so I will explain my bout of silence as a matter-of-fact in efforts to provide some clarity.
I’ve been unmotivated, and it’s because I took on too much.
Let me proceed by taking a step backwards. I went into this year with big goals and aspirations, and (I thought) I had a concrete plan to accomplish it all. But, as life does, just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, a curve ball appears.I started a new job in January on McDonald’s marketing team as the Digital Engagement Manager. It’s been an amazing experience in which I’ve excelled far beyond my wildest dreams as a professional, but it’s also been tiring in that I use more brain power in a day here than any job I’ve had prior.
Pair all that with this blog, maintaining Wandeleur, being a mother, wife and friend, and a few freelance gigs on the side, and I was a ball of stress. I was excelling at work and at home, but my external affairs fell by the wayside, and for better or worse, I was okay with that. I really, truly just needed a break. It interestingly was a realization that happened gradually as opposed to this big, “Ah-ha!” moment.
So, instead of feeling guilty, I embraced it with a plan to simplify across the board. Maya and I decided to stop Wandeleur, which was a hard decision as we worked SO hard on it. I still love the site dearly, but we found that dividing our time among multiple blogs each was not allowing us to be our best creative selves. I stopped all freelance projects. I only posted here when I had extra time to spare. Outside of work, I focused the majority of my time off the computer doing things like traveling and being with family or friends.
I’d rather do one or two things really well, than a plethora of things mediocre. With that in mind, I reflected about what those things are that I want to prioritize, both now and in the future. I asked myself, “What do I really want to do in my off hours? What can I get done while working full time, without feeling overloaded or having it cut into family time, which will always come first?”
I was at a turning point. Taking a step back to reflect on where my true passions lie was vital.My reflection led to a not-so-surprising outcome. Ultimately, I’ve decided that indeed this blog is worth prioritizing. You can’t build something for years and not have passion for it; I think I just needed to rediscover the roots of it all.
I can truly say that I miss blogging regularly. I miss the creative outlet it provides. Posts, while a ton of work, are gratifying when completed. I love building a brand, and in my own mini way, being an entrepreneur. I love connecting with readers and fellow bloggers, and though I’ve kept up with a lot of you via social or offline, I miss writing as a means of connecting. I’ve lately found myself sitting down to write and being so out of practice that I have nothing to say, which perpetuates even more silence. That is heartbreaking because writing has always been a true love of mine.
So, here we are. The new Isn’t That Charming. I love this happy internet escape. I’m so appreciative of the opportunities it’s provided me, and all the readers who have been loyal throughout the years. I can’t wait to see what’s next on the horizon!With that, I hope you love the new site, and will keep checking in regularly for all the content that’s to come! I want to extend a big, heartfelt thank you to all my readers – thank you for always being so supportive. It truly means the world.
Another huge thanks to Lindsay of White Oak Creative for all her help on the site. She is not only creative, but she is so helpful as well; she has made the process seamless and easy. With the redesign at the core, she helped to pin-point areas of improvement, offered advice on setting things up to be optimized more effectively, and really explained things in detail so I understood how to take them and run on my own. For anyone looking to start your own blog or revamp one that you currently have, I can’t recommend her more!
Cheers to the way forward. Most of all, cheers to living a gorgeously fulfilled, charmed life. xx
Congrats on the new site! It looks great!!
Thank you so much, Lauren! Hope you are doing well!
The site looks fabulous and you are beyond words amazing!!! Don’t know how you do it all! Excited to see all the new posts!
JESSIE!! Thank you! Love you more than words, my dear. Thanks for always being the best friend on earth. <3
LOVE IT!!!!!!
Thank you, Kit! Catch up date soon?
Never thought you left😀
Thanks, Dad. Always my #1 fan. 🙂
I’m glad you’re back- we need more working mothers sharing their stories out there!
Thank you Katie! Really appreciate that — and, I agree! Sometimes it’s nice just to know you’re not the only one. Hope you’re doing well!
Emily, the site looks amazing!! Excited to see what’s on the horizon with this new direction!
So excited for you Emily! It’s so nice to step away from the craziness and focus on what you’re most passionate about. Can’t wait to see what you do in the next year! p.s. glad I got to see you again tonight 🙂
Awwwww, I heart you! So happy for the new look and feeling refreshed! We all need it every once in awhile 🙂 xx
Your new site looks fantastic Emily! You are SOOOO very talented and creative! I look forward to each and every post. xo
Aw, thanks Mom! Love you! xoxo