Hi, I’m Emily!
I’m the founder and author of Isn’t That Charming, where I love to practice storytelling through written and visual journeys. My goal for this site is to be a bright spot in your day, celebrate women, and encourage others to seek and find creative delight. In addition to penning this blog, I’m a freelance writer, aspiring photographer, and creative consultant. Most importantly, I’m a mother and wife.
Fun fact: I’m an Enneagram 7. “The Enthusiast”, they call it. And you know what I’m really enthusiastic about? Living life to its absolute fullest. Also, red wine.
Here’s a little more about me.
I dream of Paris (among countless other places), love color, start the week with fresh flowers, and think good conversation (and debate!) is an art. My husband, Doug, and I have been together since we were 19 years old, and together have three beautiful children. We also have a goal of visiting every state in America – so far we’re about half way through. I believe ambition opens doors, and so does education – I have my B.A. in Journalism from Michigan State University and M.A. in Public Relations and Advertising from DePaul University. For nearly a decade, I worked at an advertising agency, and then client side, leading the social media content creation for one of the world’s top brands in Chicago.
Our family is proud to live in metro Detroit, which is a place filled with so much energy right now and, really, is a brilliant metaphor for finding joy in the seemingly un-charming. Though we live near the city and love to travel, I firmly believe that the coastal towns of Michigan are some of the best places on earth.
If a picture’s worth 1,000 words, a video’s worth 1,000,000. So, here’s a fun little intro video on who I am, and what I believe. <3
Huge thanks to Nine Twenty Productions for their amazing work on this video!