By now I’m sure you’ve heard the big news, which is why this post on pregnancy tips is so timely.
Meg is preggers! She and Harry are sups excited.
If you’re wondering whether that phrasing is too informal for the royals, I would like to note that I can do it because we’re all obviously very close. BFF status. Kate too, who also just hasn’t discovered it yet, but that’s a minor detail. #FakeItTillYouMakeIt
Meg is busy, so she hasn’t answered my messages (Kiiiiidding, I didn’t actually send any), so I thought I’d reach out to her via blog post to give some pregnancy advice she hasn’t asked for. Because I’m sure there’s a total shortage of advice being thrown at her right now, and besides, she NEEDS mine. 😉
I’m a really good friend.
Anywho. Meghan — here are some pregnancy tips, in case the 1 in 239,398,439,493 (Reader note: Yes that was a random scroll along the keyboard) chance has happened and you’re reading this. If not, perhaps readers out there who are pregnant, or looking to be soon, may find this helpful!
10 Pregnancy Tips For Meghan Markle
- A suggestion that my doctor gave me after calling him one too many times my first pregnancy: Relax. Your body knows what to do. Trust it and trust nature.
- Sleep! Seriously. Just think of all that your body is doing! You are GROWING a literal BABY from SCRATCH. (My mind is still blown by that even after having two kids!) Keep that in mind when you feel bad about napping or that you need to be doing more. You don’t. In fact, stop reading this right now and go take a nap. (Ok, fine, finish reading this first.)
- When in doubt, drink lots and lots of water.
- Don’t worry if you’re not showing as much as you want. One day, you’ll just *pop* and you’ll have the cutest baby belly! ( I “popped” around 20 weeks for both pregnancies.)
- If you’re battling with nausea, try snacking on ginger candies and sipping some hot lemon water. Smoothies were also huge for me during the first trimester because for some reason anything that I had to physically chew made me feel sick! Of course, remedies are different for everyone, but hopefully these will work for you.
- Another piece of advice from my doctor that was totally spot on (although kind of contradictory to all that you’ll read…) Don’t read too much. Especially online. Lean on your doctor and medical professionals, and not Web MD. The online world is full of misinformation, and every pregnancy/experience is different/highly contextual, so try not to go down the “OMG I Googled this symptom and I’m positive there is something TERRIBLY WRONG” rabbit hole. (Been there. Not fun.)
- If you feel up to wearing heels…Good for you, girl. Wear those heels.
- For being so small, babies are an entirely new world. Here are 10 Noteworthy Newborn Facts that I found fascinating as I was diving into my first pregnancy with Gracie. (In hindsight these seem so 101! But you’ve got to start somewhere, and I remember at the time having my mind blown by some of them.)
- You may feel overwhelmed when picking out things for the registry. That’s normal! (True story: I actually started crying while looking at an entire wall of pacifiers because I didn’t understand why there were so many different nipple sizes and how I was supposed to pick which one was right for my baby.) Remember that babies are actually fairly simple. They need safety, food, sleep, love, and YOU. All the rest are just details. (Truth be told, I didn’t end up using a lot of the “frills” that we registered for!) In case you do need some recommendations, however, here are my top 15 favorite newborn products.
- I saw that one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo, also did a post with some advice for you and her tip was the most important and 100% spot on. Trust your gut. Always, always trust your gut. It won’t steer you wrong!
1 comment
This blog post is so good – I just love that you wrote it for her and the humour in it! I’d totally want to be her BFF too! Such a clever blog post and gorgeous pic of you!